
Higher Ed & Industry

I tremendously enjoy teaching and learning, be it in higher education or in industry. My teaching tends to be interactive and, whenever possible, supports the formation of communities of inquiry as a form of collaborative learning. Values such as openness, critical thinking, and diversity underpin how I work. I teach in-person and online in the format of courses, talks, workshops, and webinars.

Recent Courses

Business Communication I (EN)
Intercultural Management
Policy Analysis
Leadership I & II
Managing Across Borders
Advanced Research Methods
Research Writing with AI
Comparative Ed Research Methods
Politics of Education

Lectures & Talks

(Post-)PhD Dissemination & Publishing
(S)Low-Tech in Education
Journal Search: Beyond the Library
AI-Supported Literature Research
Intercultural Encounters
Across & Between Cultures
Intercultural Communication in China
Thesis Seminar

Get in Touch